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Galileo Biotech Innovation Fund

Investing in the future of biotechnology

The Galileo Biotech Innovation Fund is a long-only equity fund offering focused access to companies in the field of genome editing. Representing the next step in the evolution of medical technology, genome editing holds the potential cure for a variety of rare diseases and a novel approach to more common conditions with established treatments.

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Investing in the future of biotechnologyFact SheetKIID & ProspectusDisclaimer


  Since inception date: 31.03.2021

*Performance numbers include the performance in the Biotech Innovation Certificate managed by Bellecapital AG from August 31, 2020 – March 31, 2021and are indexed to fit the 1st NAV of the Galileo Biotech Innovation Fund (own calculation). The performance of past values and returns is no indicator of their current or future development and does not take account of the commissions and costs incurred on the issue and redemption of units.

Disclaimer Galileo Biotech Fund:
For marketing and information purposes by Bellecapital AG: TheGalileo Biotech Innovation Fund is a UCITS fund under Luxembourg law in the category “SecuritiesFund”. The fund may not be marketed, either directly or indirectly in the United States of America or be sold to US persons. The information in this document is given for information purposes only and does not qualify as an offer or as investmentadvice. No liability is assumed for the accuracy and completeness of the information. Opinions and assessments contained in this document may change and reflect the point of view of Bellecapital AG in the current economic environment. This document qualifies as marketing material. Investments should only be made after a thorough reading of the current prospectus and/or the fund regulations, the Key Investor Information (KID), the current annual and semi-annual reports (the “legaldocuments”), as well as after consulting an independent finance specialist. Moreover, Bellecapital AG strongly recommends that potential investors consult a tax specialist regarding the consequences of investments in the specific legislation of their tax liability. All documents are available on the website of IP Concept (fundadministrator). The performance of past values and returns is no indicator of their current or future development. The performance of values and returns does not include the fees and costs which may be charged when buying, selling and/or switching units. This document is being provided to you in response to your specific request for information. Distributions of this document or disclosure of its contents to any person other than your advisors or representatives is prohibited.

For Swiss investors only:
Representative: IPConcept (Schweiz) AG, Münsterhof 12, 8022 Zürich, Switzerland. Paying agent: DZ PRIVATBANK (Schweiz) AG, Münsterhof 12, 8022 Zürich, Switzerland.

Location where the relevant documents may be obtained: The prospectus, Key Investor Information Documents, articles of association as well as the annual and semi-annual reports may be obtained free of charge from the representative.

Since inception date: 28.02.1997

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Why Genome Editing?

Opportunity in 21st century medicine

We believe genome editing represents the next step in the evolution of medical technology. It holds the potential to cure a variety of rare diseases but also offers a novel approach to more common conditions with established treatments

Thematic pure-play

The fund invests in a precisely defined field, providing the investor with thematic exposure while offering enough diversification to accommodate for larger volatility associated with early stage investments.

Small-cap risk premia

The majority of the fund’s investments operate in the preclinical stage with all the associated risks and benefits.

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