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Important information

Anti-bribery policy

We are committed to integrity and high ethical standards and expect the same of all our employees and anyone we may hire.

We do not allow the following.

A. Offering, promising, giving or authorising others to give anything of value, either directly or indirectly, to anyone so that they:

i. influence the actions of a foreign official;
ii. improperly arrange or keep business; or
iii.otherwise gain an improper business advantage.

B. receiving or agreeing to receive anything of value that results, or may result, in the improper performance of any activity connected with a business.

We do not allow facilitation payments on our behalf. Gifts and entertainment provided by or to us or our employees must be for genuine business purposes only, reasonable in scale and frequency and proportionate to the nature of the relationship. They must also be declared.

None compliance with this policy may result in dismissal or the end our relationship with you if you are a goods or service provider.

If we make any changes to this policy, we will post them on this page by publishing a new version of this policy.

Conflicts of Interest policy


Complaints Handling

At Bellecapital UK Limited, we will always aim to provide the highest standard of service to our clients. However, on occasions we may fall short of this goal and a client may express dissatisfaction. Our aim is to treat all complaints fairly, promptly and objectively.

The following details what to do in the event you wish to make a complaint:

If I am unhappy or dissatisfied, how can I make a complaint?
You should contact our Compliance Officer at:

Bellecapital UK Limited
19 Berkeley Street

Telephone +44 (0)207 072 3180

What is a complaint?
If an expression of dissatisfaction involves allegations of financial loss, material distress or material inconvenience we will treat this as a formal complaint.

Am I eligible to make a complaint?
At Bellecapital UK Limited, we will investigate complaints made by any of our clients or potential clients.

What is the cost of making a complaint?
Nil. It won’t cost you any money if you make a complaint to the firm.

Who will handle my complaint?
All complaints are dealt with by our Compliance Officer. This ensures independence.

How soon can I expect a reply after I have complained?
We will aim to settle the complaint promptly and fairly. We will send an acknowledgement within five business days which will contain a copy of our leaflet ‘Complaints – What To Do’ and the name of our Compliance Officer. It will also set out our understanding of your complaint. You can expect to receive a final response within 8 weeks after our receipt of your complaint. If after 8 weeks we are not in a position to provide you with a final response we will let you know. You will be kept up to date with the progress of your complaint.

What information can I expect in my final response?
Our final response to your complaint will:

- Tell you the results of our investigation

- Tell you whether we agree or disagree with your complaint

- Tell you if we will offer any compensation and, if so, on what basis

- Tell you of your right to refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service if you are not satisfied with the reply or you are still unhappy; and

- Provide details of the Financial Ombudsman Service and their contact details

What happens if I remain dissatisfied / unhappy with your reply?
The Financial Ombudsman Service is an independent body set up to deal with complaints from consumers. This is a free service.

If Bellecapital UK Limited investigated your complaint in the first instance and you are dissatisfied with our response then you have the right to refer your complaint directly to the Financial Ombudsman Service (‘FOS’).

Any referral to the FOS must be made within six months or the right of referral may be lost. This period starts from the date of the final response. However, Bellecapital UK Limited can consent to the FOS waiving the six month time period and longer periods and for them to consider your complaint.

How do I contact the Financial Ombudsman Service?
Contact details for the Financial Ombudsman Service is as follows:

The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange
E14 9SR

Telephone: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9 123


Best Execution policy




MIFIDPRU 8 Disclosure

MIFIDPRU 8 Disclosure

RTS 28 Execution Venues

RTS 28 Execution Venues

Stewardship Code

FCA-authorised firms which manage investments for professional clients that are not natural persons must disclose on their website: the nature of their commitment to the Financial Reporting Council’s Stewardship Code (‘Code’); or where they do not commit to the Code, their alternative investment strategy.

Adherence to the Code is voluntary. Whilst Bellecapital UK Limited supports the objectives of the Code, it does not consider it appropriate to commit to any particular voluntary code of practice that relates to only one jurisdiction. In addition, Bellecapital UK Limited principally manages investments for retail clients and natural persons, so the Code is not targeted at our business. Furthermore, the issues raised in the Code are largely dealt with by other obligations upon Bellecapital UK Limited, including under the FCA Rules and our Client Terms and Conditions.

Bellecapital UK Limited has well-established and robust conflicts of interest policies and procedures.

We periodically review our approach to the Code and will update this statement as necessary.